Products I Like!
Those who know me, know I am always finding new products to try, especially when I can support small/ local businesses. Over the years I have found so many amazing products that I continue to use. I will be featuring them here in the Products I Like! section of my site. Be sure to check in regularly to see what I have found lately.
You must try:
I had the opportunity to try these amazing, delicious teas when I visited Jacqueline's Tea Room in Freeport ME years ago, where I was handed a scroll with a long list of over 80 varieties of teas to choose from. My personal favorite is white tea, organic if I can get it, and Jacqueline's teas are the very best I have ever had! If you have not tried brewing fresh tea, you really must. It is so easy and there is no comparison to grocery store tea bags. The tea is so clean and silky on the palate and smooth going down. Unfortunately for us the teahouse is no longer there, but lucky for us, we can now buy these teas online at
They will arrive beautifully packaged with care and brewing time.
Have you tried
I found these little gems on-line at https://www.mainecrisp.com a while ago, but then I was excited to see them at Whole Foods and also at Hannaford's for you Maine locals.
They are certified gluten free and can actually be considered grain free because buckwheat is actually not a grain. I love the cranberry/almond and the savory fig and thyme paired with some herbed goat cheese and fruit. It makes for a delicious healthy delight for breakfast or any time of the day. Maine Crisp continues to add new flavors too. "Bravo!" to another small company who is providing a quality product that is healthy and tasty for those of us with food sensitivities.
I want to introduce everyone to "ALL ABOUT THE HONEY" - a most amazing, delicate and flavorful honey that I read about in a small local article years ago. I contacted the Owner, Mark and he was not even aware of the article. I went to a craft fair where he happened to be selling and bought several flavors that I have continued to order for myself and others ever since.
Mark makes the most delicious natural flavors of beautifully whipped honey (so easy and smooth to spread). Absolutely everyone I serve the lemon creamed honey to cannot believe how potent the lemon flavor is; and the cinnamon, wow! so vibrant, and great in baked goods. Like so many entrepreneurs during the recent pandemic, Mark can really use your business. I promise you will not be disappointed! I hope you will check it out at: https://www.allaboutthehoney.com